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10 Ways To Be More Proactive In Your Life

Does your to-do list seem to be growing out of control? Perhaps your tasks have gone from manageable to seemingly overwhelming. Daily, we are presented with obligations that shape our actions. Despite our best efforts, laziness can slowly creep into our routine and prevent us from being productive.

Fortunately, this mentality happens to everyone. In fact, a recent study that focused on trends of motivation in the workplace, found that companies lose $300 billion dollars annually due to a lack of productivity.

In order to combat disengagement, taking a proactive approach to getting things done is essential. If you struggle with a lack of motivation, let’s consider 10 valuable tips that will help you to raise your enthusiasm.

1. Set a Goal

Goal setting is the beginning step towards organizing your direction. Set a meaningful goal and keep that in the forefront of your thoughts. By having a target to focus on, this makes your journey clear. If your end--goal is rather large, set tiny milestones in-between to keep your momentum going. Celebrate when you meet your mini goals to maintaining your motivation!

2. Plan and Prioritize Tasks

In order to take action, you have to plan accordingly. Imagine embarking on a journey through the mountains. Surely, you would pack for any potential obstacle just in case Mother Nature rears her powerful head. The same mentality will help you to become proactive. Plan ahead so you aren’t scrambling or rushing through your tasks. In addition, prioritizing what’s most important first will help your time management.

3. Learn How to Problem Solve

Problem solving is a learned skill that evolves from pure chaos to control. Think solution-based when encountering problems, and you will see a difference in your productivity. When you focus on finding a valuable solution to a problem, you are being proactive in actually solving it. A few questions to consider when faced with obstacles are:

• What Can I do to Make this Run Smoothly?

• What Can I Personally Control Immediately?

• What Resources Do I Currently Have to Help Me to Solve This Problem

4. Create a Schedule; Personal Accountability

Learn how to properly delegate your time through creating a set schedule for you to follow. This will build discipline and accountability. Analyze when you feel the most productive. Is it during the early morning, or late afternoon? Decide when you have the mental clarity to complete your tasks and create your schedule around those time. In addition, hold yourself responsible for your personal success.

Eliminate blaming outside sources as making excuses for your lack of action. Instead, take personal responsibility for your actions and set up realistic consequences. Remember, you are your biggest motivator!

5. Analyze All Possible Outcomes

Strategic chess players analyze their future moves by thinking two to three steps ahead. This means envisioning every possible move from their opponent and creating a plan B to combat it. It is wise to take on our daily goals in the same manner.

Prepare for any possible roadblock that may prevent you from making an effort. Then, plan for an alternative route. Some productive individuals have a plan B, C, D, and E! Think about what could go wrong and have a useful backup plan to rely on.

6. Take Initiative; Pay attention to Detail

The act of being proactive is defined as, “Getting things done.” This requires taking initiative when you see activities that need to be accomplished. Paying attention to detail involves ensuring that everything surrounding your task is running smoothly. Pay attention to intricacies so heighten your accuracy.

7. Embrace Change When Necessary

The definition of insanity is performing the same action while hoping for a different outcome. Sometimes it is necessary to change your approach in order to reach the desired approach. Be open minded to trying new things as they may reveal solutions.

8. Redirect Your Focus; Emotional Regulation

Regulating your emotions is key to avoiding unnecessary stress. When facing a problem, do you feel an overwhelming sense of anxiety? What about those on your team; if they fall short, how do you react? Focusing on the limitations of others and yourself is counterproductive. In fact, allowing yourself to become overly emotional can detract you from achieving your goal. Learn how to focus on what you can control and look for solutions.

9. Watch Your Circle of Influence

In order to be proactive, you have to surround yourself with like minded individuals. People who will influence you to take action towards your goals. If you choose to associate with people who are stagnant and lazy, likely their traits will project.

10. Avoid Burn-Out Through Self-Care

It’s important to keep your sanity when engaging in productive activities. It is so easy to become consumed in your work that your personal needs are pushed aside. Take some time to decompress and rejuvenate yourself so you can continue on your road to success!

Being proactive doesn’t involve complicated life changes that inhibit your fun. Rather, they are small improvement points that will assist you towards reaching your goals!


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